
Where in the Bible Does It Talk About Crucifying Christ Again When We Sin?

The Cross: How Our Sins Crucify Christ

03-22-2020 Weekly Reflection Jen Arnold, G.A. in Theology and Catechetics

Last week we covered how when nosotros go to the foot of the cross, we are present at the actual sacrifice Jesus made for us. Another style nosotros are present and participating is by crucifying Him ourselves through our acts of sin. This is a tough one to swallow, but the cantankerous is actually where we personally continue to participate in the crucifixion of Jesus every single day.

Paragraph #598 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church has a rather dense explanation of this truth, which I will attempt to unpack here. Commencement, the Catechism says that this teaching is supported by our Tradition which has been handed downward by all the Christians who have come before us. The very kickoff Christians recognized that "sinners were the authors and the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured" and that information technology was non merely an human activity of the Jews who were condemning him or the Roman soldiers who were carrying information technology out. In other words, this is non an invented grade of "Cosmic guilt," but an agreement of the reality of what the crucifixion actually meant, from the primeval followers of Christ. That agreement was and then passed down through the generations to us in the Church.

And then, our sins today, are a participation in the bodily crucifixion of our Lord. The Catechism cites one primary passage from Scripture to support this: Matthew 27:25. Pontius Pilate is acquiescing to the crowd calling for the crucifixion of Jesus, merely he is quick to declare himself innocent in the state of affairs. The crowd responds "His blood exist upon us and upon our children." Even though they are not all physically going to nail Jesus to the cross, they take total responsibility for what is nigh to happen. What's even more important for us today is that that their words equally passed the responsibleness on to the generations that will come a􏰁er them, which includes u.s.a.. In essence, with every sin we commit, we are standing with the oversupply, condemning Jesus to death. When you get to Mass on Palm Dominicus and participate in the Gospel reading of the Passion of Christ, call back the reality of how your sins affect Christ each fourth dimension yous say, "crucify Him!"

The Catechism goes on to include a lengthy passage written by St. Francis of Assisi which, once more, illustrates how the agreement of our participation in the crucifixion goes dorsum for centuries. St. Francis says that anyone who continues to relapse into their sins is guilty. Information technology goes without saying that since we are all sinners, St. Francis is referring to every single i of us. He goes on to explain that through all of our disorders and wrongdoings, we crucify Him once again and once again in our hearts because He lives in our hearts. The fact that we do this now is much worse than the bodily people who stood there on that day demanding His life be taken. At the fourth dimension, they did not know yet that Jesus was their Lord and Savior. However, we profess to know who Jesus is and yet we willfully choose to commit this violence against him. This is powerful. Reflecting on what they knew at the fourth dimension, versus what we know now and how we continue to respond should stir something in us. St. Francis concludes by excusing even the demons of mistake, which is a strong statement on the power of our sins. He says, "Nor did demons crucify him; it is you who have crucified him and crucify him nevertheless when y'all please in your vices and sins."

I realize that this week'south reflection is a hard one and not specially comfortable. So, I want to bring in some encouragement. Offset, even when truth is hard, we should rest in information technology considering it is the Truth. God gave us the Church building to laissez passer the Truth onto usa for our ain good. Information technology is hard to swallow because it is meant to inspire us to exercise improve. Condolement and feeling skilful is non what will get united states to heaven and that'due south ultimately where He wants u.s., with Him. Secondly, I'm quite certain that if any of us was handed a hammer we would not brand i move to strike the nail into Jesus' torso, which is a good matter! Then, having an understanding of what our sins exercise to Him tin be used every bit motivation to exercise meliorate. We can strive to root out our sin and vices and work to supplant them with virtue and dear. Also, remember the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent, where we can receive God'due south abundant mercy and grace and where He will fully forgive the states for the hurt our sins have acquired Him.

I will conclude by returning to the Catechism with paragraph #312. This paragraph affirms that the murder of Jesus Christ was the "greatest moral evil ever committed" and that our connected sinning participates in that act, but that God's grace is bigger than all our sin. As we read in Romans 5:xx, "where sin abounded, grace did more than abound." If we cooperate with God's goodness and grace, He can bring about good from whatsoever sin we commit. This sounds counter- intuitive, but information technology's true and Jesus is the proof. The greatest sin ever committed was the crucifixion of our Lord, but await at what God created out of that injustice. He resurrected Jesus from the dead and He brought about a pathway for our salvation. What practiced could be better than that?

Think of a time where you were very enlightened of how sin was affecting your life and how, when you look dorsum on it, you can encounter God's hand using it to bring about some expert in your life, even if in subtle ways. Of course, it's always amend to not sin in the first place, just when nosotros fall, which we will, He will not leave us hanging. He will continue to extend His grace and mercy, providing us with opportunities to do better. As long as nosotros go on accepting those opportunities, more and more good will come virtually in our lives.



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