
Vinces Towing Cars for Sãƒâ Le Reading Pa


a Read the text speedily. What ii problems does Linate airport have?

b Read the text again and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).

1 Wildlife experts are going to try to catch the

hares next Sunday. T

2 Hares recently acquired two accidents involving tourist lease planes.

three Nobody knows why the hare population has all of a sudden increased in the expanse.

4 Linate will close at 8 o'clock on Sunday morn. 5 The hunters volition have the hares to the country

and set them free.

6 Linate is Milan's main airport.

7 Only depression-cost airlines utilise Linate airport. viii The hares are not the only problem Linate

airport suffers.

c Wait at the highlighted words and phrases in the text. What practice you ¢ink they mean? Check with your dictionary, and then usa"e them to consummate the sentences.

ane Due to a technical fault, our flight is going to

be rescheduled for this afternoon.

A plague of hares has been causing such chaos at Milan'south city airdrome that authorities have decided to take 'drastic m urs� to endeavour and catch them. Linate drome will is for three hours on Sun while 200 wild animals experts go out on the runways to : P'e: about 80 hares.

Hares accept been invading the runways for months,

confusing the basis radar, and 'e_nc'iar.ig riiig' aircraft landing and taking off, say officials. 'ln the final two weeks hares have ended up beneath the wheels of ii tourist charter planes,' said Alberto Grancini, the Milan province official in charge of hunting and wildlife. 'They could take caused serious accidents.'

The Milan airports authority said that the hare population

at Linate had 'fue p.q_9.eleven:>ly increased this year leading to

2 The law are trying to a banking concern robber who

several � �'.em'

p to bulldoze them away from the airport.

is hiding somewhere in the edifice.

3 We set off on our journeying __, when the sun was just rising.

4 The plane crashed one minute subsequently taking off. It'south a consummate mystery.

5 The government needs to taketo reduce gun crime in big cities.

6 Firefighters made several to enter the building, but the fire was too potent.

vii The man volition from prison after serving only ten years of his sentence.

eight People who potable and bulldoze are __ the lives of other drivers.

Unfortunately the hares have refused to leave, so the

decision has been fabricated to shut the airport altogether to

endeavour to capture them.

The functioning begins on Sabbatum, when an expanse of 4 foursquare kilometres willbe fenced off ineludingthe runways, hangars, and aircraft parking areas. The hare hunters volition move in .<!t da� on Sunday, chasing hares until

8.00 a.m. when Linate will reopen. Twelve flights volition have to [b':frStjl' four)eA for later in the day. The hares volition be taken to protected nature reserves in the Milan area and will - reI.<lSe4:, in the hope that they do not find their fashion back to the airport.

Linate, which is only 7 km from the centre of Milan, was built in the 1930s, and served as the city'due south main airdrome until the modernization of Malpensa, 50 km up the route. Linate is used by charters and low-cost airlines such equally easyjet, likewise equally by national carriers such as Alitalia and British Airways. It is plagued not merely by hares only as well by frequent fog. 8


2 VO CAB U LA RYair travel

a Consummate the crossword. 2 3

Clues across ' 4

6 When I went to choice up my ..., I found that one bag hadn't arrived. s 6

7 The air ... were very efficient when we had to brand an emergency landing. 8 After the flight landed, the ... had to stay on lath the airplane for an hour

because of a security alert.

Clues down .J..

one Information technology'south not e'er like shooting fish in a barrel to discover a ... at airports if yous need help with your


2 Nowadays Ialways fly with low-price ... . They are much cheaper! a iii After we'd checked in, we went through to ... to discover the right gate.

four When Igot to the airport,Iwent directly to ... to run into if my mother's flight had landed yet.

5 Iasked a flying ... to bring me an actress pillow.

b Complete the text with suitable words.

3 M I N I Thou RAM MA R so / such...that

Circumvolve the correct answer.

IPlease don't walk @ I such fast. Ican't keep up!

2 I've never seen such I such an awful pic in all my life! 3 This is the beginning time we've had a then long I such a long

filibuster at the airport.

4 The last was so I such crowded that we couldn't observe a trolley.

5 There was so much I so many snow on the runway that the airport was closed.

vi Our neighbours take got such a I such noisy dogs that we have had to complain twice.

7 The taxi driver collection so I such slowly that we nearly missed our flight.

8 There were so I such a lot of passengers that in that location wasn't a unmarried empty seat on the plane.

4 G RAM MARna rrative tenses, past perfect continuous

a Right (.I) or wrong (x)? Correct the incorrect phrases.

IIwas existence late for my flight because Ihad parked in the wrong terminal. )( I was late

ii Had you a skillful flight?__

3 Someone stole their mitt luggage when they waited in the queue .__

4 Where was going Ewan when his auto broke down?

5 Daisy had already left the airport when she realized she had the wrong suitcase._____

6 Our suitcases were already at luggage reclaim when we were getting there ._

7 We said goodbye to our friends. Then we went through security and passport command into the departure lounge.___

viii He had been flying for twelve hours by the time he reached Commonwealth of australia. ___

b Circumvolve the correct verb form. Sometimes both are possible.

1 The crew were exhausted because they <:liad worke / (!tad been workini)all nighttime.

two Jess was exhausted because she had waited I had been waiting for three hours for her flight to lath.

3 We weren't hungry during the flight considering nosotros had had I

had been having a repast earlier in one of the airdrome restaurants.

4 After I had picked upwards I had been picking up my baggage,

Itook a taxi to my hotel.

5 My mother couldn't motility her legs because she had sat I

had been sitting down for and so long.

six My flight arrived late considering it hadn't taken off I

hadn't been taking off on time.

c Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in


More Words to Acquire

Word Pronunciation Translation
cabin ( noun) miracle (noun) /'krebm/
shortage (noun) / 'J::>:tidy'
swan ( noun) /swon/
turbulence (noun) /'t3:bjalans/
wheelchair ( noun) /'wi:ltJea/
cling (clung) (verb) /kluj/
scream (verb) /skri:1000/
stagger (verb) /'strega/
exist about to /bi: abaut ta/
Write translations and try to call back the words.

fjf!t!!ll!rt)ix Studenfs Book p.134 Grammar Bank 28

five PR ON U N CIATI ON irregula r by forms

a Write the irregular past uncomplicated forms.

1 /pe1d/ paid /flu:/
2 /br::i:t/ /wAn/
3 /sed/ /tuk/
iv /raut/ /t::>:t/
v /bdt/ fh3:d/

b Practice saying the words in a.

lj!!f!(!J!rt)� Studenf s Book p.158 Audio Banking concern

El Listen to a radio programme about the airplane pilot Amelia Earhart. What was she famous for and what happened to her in the end?

IJ Mind over again and mark the statements T (True) or F (Simulated), co-ordinate to the speaker.

i Amelia was excited when she first saw a plane.

2 An experience at a flying exhibition made her desire to fly.

3 Amelia's father gave her the coin for her flying lessons.

4 She was taught to wing by a woman.

five She named her first airplane afterwards a bird.

6 Information technology took Amelia less than ii years to get her pilot's licence.

seven Amelia'south first flight across the Atlantic was as a passenger.

8 Her second attempt to fly effectually the globe was in 1947.

9 Amelia and her co-pilot nearly completed their round-the-world trip.

a Listen again with the tapescript on p.75 and endeavor

to estimate the meaning of whatsoever words that yous

don't know. Then check in your lexicon.


I One thousand RAM MARadverbs and adverbial phrases

a Complete the sentences with adverbs made from the adjectives in the list.

two illI inappreciably I girl I is I My I ever

3 parents I next I are I His I retiring I year

bad careful correct hard fast

brilliant happy safe farthermost iv male child I rude I instructor I was I to I The I extremely I his

1 Jack won the tennis terminal because he played


ii My brother had an accident because he was driving too __

3 You lot'll have to remember very_ before you decide whether to accept the job.

4 I speak French very. No one can understand me.

5 we I umbrella I an I had I Luckily I taken

6 at I law I immediately I bank I arrived I The I the vii is I James I plainly I divorced I getting

viii eats I My I unhealthily I very I brother

five Who can spell this word _

half dozen Although the atmospheric condition was awful, the plane landed

c Put the adverbs I adverbial phrases inthe right place in each sentence.

vii His parents accept been 40 years.

__ married for nearly

usually immediately

i HXSets uhen his alarm clock rings.

eight She works_ and she's very aggressive too.

b Order the words to brand sentences. Put the adverb in its usual position.

i tall I son I incredibly I has I Your I grown

(usually I immediately)

two Although she likes reading, she goes to the library. (a lot I inappreciably ever)

3 I crashed my new car. (unfortunately I last calendar week) 4 Nosotros should leave tomorrow. (ideally I early)

5 I can understand when people speak English. (hardly I quickly)

6 My brother forgot his girlfriend's birthday. (nearly I yesterday)

seven He eats fruit. (surprisingly I never)

viii Information technology didn't rain at the weekend. (luckily I very much)

Your son has grown incredibly tall fjrtt!'l$9 Studenfs Book p.134 Grammar Depository financial institution 2C

2 VO CAB U LARYconfusing adverbs and adverbial phrases

Circle the correct answer.

1 My father worked very / hardly all his life.

2 I haven't seen Harry tardily I lately. Have you?

3 I tin't stand up near Tv programmes, specially I particularly reality shows.

4 Dave near I almost bankrupt his leg skiing in the Alps. 5 Delight don't tell me what happens because I haven't

read the book yet I however.

six I'm not going to Sam'southward party. I hard I hardly know him! He's your friend, non mine.

7 Do you ever I fifty-fifty wear jeans to work?

8 A Do your parents live virtually I about here? B No, they live about 30 miles away.

9 Ellie ate all her lunch, ever I even the vegetables! 10 Alan's anxiety are so large that his shoes are especially I

specially made for him.

eleven My cousin is a doctor and at the moment I really she's working in Africa.

12 We all cried at the end I in the end of the moving picture when the chief character died.

3 PR ON U N CIATI ONword stress

a Write the adverbs in the right column.

absolutely accidentally apparently definitely eventually fortunately immediately insecurely apparently successfully incredibly surprisingly

stress on 1st syllable stress on 2d syllable stress on third syllable
absolutel y

b Now practise saying the words in a.

1 | two | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | eleven | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | twoscore | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |


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